Pre & Post Treatment Care
Simple Tips for Getting the Best Hair Removal Experience
To get the best results from your electrologist you must prepare yourself, your hair, and your skin for your electrolysis appointment.
Your skin is a protective barrier; it takes about 24 hours for a treated follicle to begin healing from within, and 48 hours to complete the healing. For this reason, it is very important that you follow the post treatment procedures recommended by your electrologist.
View: Electrology Essentials
Pre- Treatment Care
Hydrate: This is the most important step in preparation for your treatment. Drink plenty of water a few days before your treatment. Electrolysis works best when the skin and hair are well hydrated.
Avoid Caffeine: Stay away from caffeine the day of your electrologist appointment. Caffeine's purpose is to keep us awake and alert, combined that with a small electric shock and it can make anyone uncomfortable. Additionally caffeine-induced jitters can make it harder for an electrologist to follow the follicle being treated.
Post Treatment Care
Again stay hydrated: Staying hydrated after your electrolysis appointment is just as important as staying hydrated before your appointment. Your skin may heal faster when your body is properly hydrated.
Do not touch or scratch your skin: Following an electrolysis session your skin will be more susceptible to bacteria while your follicles heal. Scratching or touching the areas that have been treated may cause an acne breakout. Follow your electrologist’s post-treatment guide to ensure you are keeping your skin clean
Arrive stress free and relaxed: When you're scheduling an appointment be sure you give yourself plenty of time. Avoid making appointments for times when you'll feel rushed or stressed. Coming in relaxed can significantly reduce discomfort during your visit.
Allow three- four days growth prior to treatment. Please refrain from bleaching your hair between treatments.
Do apply cold compresses/ice to the area to avoid excessive redness or swelling. Use for a duration of 2-5 min and additional 2-5 min as needed.
Skip the makeup brush: Staying makeup free for the first 24-48 hours after treatment will ensure that your recently-treated pores and skin remain clean and recover faster. Brand new make-up preferred, as used make-up harbors bacteria that can cause infection.
DO NOT tweeze pluck, or wax visible hairs. Clipping or shaving is preferred, so the hair will be available for removal at the next treatment.
Apply an antibacterial ointment to the treatment area for 24-48 hours post treatment to prevent any potential bacteria entering the opened follicle.
Remove your unwanted hair PERMANENTLY. Call today to begin your new hair-free life
Sources: permanent-hair-removal-info.com